To those attending our meeting for the first time.

Go in as soon as you are ready. Sit anywhere you like. Meeting begins when the first worshipper takes his or her place.
It continues until the designated person breaks the silence by a handshake.

Welcome! When you enter Meeting for Worship, you’ll find Friends sitting in silence, many with closed eyes. The Meeting began when the first person entered silence. Sometimes there will be spoken messages. Friends stand [however, I don’t think standing is de rigeuer] and speak when they hear a message from the Inward Light/Divine/God that is for the community and not just themselves. The message is not intended to begin a conversation or discussion but for reflection of those gathered to consider its possible meaning for them. Time is given in between messages to allow for reflection.
If you are attending online, we ask you to put yourself on mute if you’re not speaking to prevent disrupting the Meeting with background noise. We also encourage you to leave your video on to help everyone feel more connected unless you need to move your device (especially if you’re on your phone or tablet).
At about 11:30 AM someone will speak up to close worship and those gathered greet one another verbally or with a handshake. Visitors will be invited to introduce themselves and be welcomed by the Meeting. Those who are experiencing a problem for themselves or a loved one may request those persons be “held in the Light.” There will be a time for announcements about upcoming meeting events, including any after-meeting events on that day. Folks may either leave for the day or remain for continued fellowship. We’d love for you to stay in person or online so we can get to know you better!

After Meeting, visitors will be invited to introduce themselves and sign our guest book.
After announcements, refreshments are often served and once monthly we share a potluck meal.
Our Meeting – and most Friends groups – is not “pushy” with visitors. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Our Meeting is very loving with children. We do not consider the “talk” of infants or their feeding a distraction. We do not currently have a nursery school program but children are welcome in the Meetingroom or the Children’s room.